Friday, March 21, 2008

Back into his Arms

Three weeks ago at my appointment with my midwife she was unable to pick up any fetal heart tones. We were sent in for an ultrasound the next day and found out that at 20 weeks our baby Dallin was gone and no longer had a heartbeat. The news was devastating as we really thought he was a keeper once we had passed 16 weeks which is when we lost our little Everett last year. We decided we wanted to wait and let things happen on there own. He was born at home last night at 22 weeks. We found he had gotten tangled in his umbilical cord which was wrapped tightly around his neck three times. Though small he was so perfect and I was amazed by his tiny features. While we are so sad that we won't get to keep him here with us I'm thankful for the short time I got to have him. I can't wait for the day when I will see him again and wrap my arms around him. Till then I will take comfort in the fact that he is home again.

"He never takes away except to give us back something better. It means we must be brave enough and determined enough to wait...because it often takes Him time to turn a painful situation to good. We can embrace our pain and not resent it because blessing is coming."
~~Ann Anderson

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