This last weekend Amber and Laurel went to some garage sales when Laurel found a fish tank that she really wanted. It is small and was only $10 ready to go. Laurel talked Amber into the tank and they brought it home. I went to do some work for a friend and Amber took the girls to PetSmart to get some drops to clean the water for the tank and while at PetSmart there was a dog rescue group with some dogs. Well there was one that was is a Golden Retreiver / Shar Pei mix and and they pet him a few times thinking he was cute. Later that day the tank was ready so we took the kids back to PetSmart to get some fish and the first thing I saw when we walked in was 'Red' and said to Amber that is a really good looking dog. Well we looked at him and talked with the people that had him. He is three years old and his previous owner is dying so he had to give him up. Very mellow, good tempered dog and very good with kids. Well we got two fish and frog for the fish tank and on the drive home we all agreed that we wanted 'Red' so when we got home we called the rescue people and arranged to meet them the following morning to pick him up. We were at Petsmart right at 10am to get him and they did not show up. We ended up walking around the store for 30min and the still did not show. We ended up going home and getting the card for the rescue lady and called her. She was picking up more dogs at the pound and it took a lot longer than they thought to get out of there and they were almost to PetSmart. So we turned around and headed back to PetSmart to pick him up. Well he is with us now and he is a really good dog. He is hard to get pictures of but here are a few that I was able to get. The other two kids keep telling Laurel thanks for finding a fish tank.
Red really likes to take car rides. I went out to test something in my car and he jumped in and was ready to go.
Family Pictures 2015
9 years ago
I can't show this to Abby or she'll be so jealous! She keeps on talking about getting a dog when I'm "all done changing diapers".
Hi Alan! It is Kristen Carter (Nilson). Send me your email and I'll send you an invite to our family blog. Hope things are well. You have a cute family!
mommy4501 at hotmail dot com
What a cute dog. I found your blog through Kim's blog. I hope you don't mind. You can find us at if you are interested. I enjoyed catching up on your family and I'm sorry to hear about your loss of two little ones.
We need an update!
Um can't start a blog and not ever update!
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